Building affordable, sustainable, and community centered housing
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Multifamily development has been at the core of the company since its founding in 1997. This, however, has taken different forms; Titan Investments’ leadership in developing safe, amenity rich housing for senior citizens helped transform the assisted living industry in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In tandem with senior housing, Titan pursued a concerted effort to develop housing for university students at public universities across the nation. Titan’s interest would eventually be sold to American Campus.
Now, Titan understands the importance and urgency of developing affordable housing in the United States to help ease the strain on cost-burdened households. It is Titan Investments’ mission to support local communities and to provide its expertise in the marketplace.”

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Titan Investments has launched Odyssey; a firm dedicated to accelerating the development of affordable housing using public and private partnerships. Odyssey leverages Titan Investments’ established partnerships and unique knowledge of the housing market to implement an equitable, sustainable approach to affordable housing in the United States.
Odyssey is a new dawn; it is a journey to help promote strong, healthy, and sustainable communities. It is disrupting the status-quo.

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Between 2019 and 2021, the share of cost-burdened renters grew by 2.6 percent to 49 percent of renter households …” (page 5-6, The State of the Nation’s Housing)

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Titan Investments proudly serves on the UC Berkeley Terner Center for Housing Innovation’s Funders Council.

The preeminent council engages government agencies and private and nonprofit corporations to support the Terner Center’s mission “to formulate bold strategies to house families from all walks of life in vibrant, sustainable, and affordable homes and communities.” Titan Investments is committed to finding and using bold solutions to our housing challenges.

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